Monday, July 22, 2019

Tuna and Takakau Week.

In week nine everyone at Kawakawa primary school celebrated tuna and takakau week.
All us students get to make a takakau or we can try to catch a tuna.

We had three days to catch a tuna and each day we had to weigh them to see how heavy they were and measured them to see how long they were.

On Thursday we brought our takakau in and the parents judged them. They were judged on taste, presentation and texture.

Aubree made a takakau in the school logo of the Kawakawa leaf. Tegan decorated hers with matariki stars and Haylin's was a flat round circle.

Aubree won first place for her takakau and Haylin came second. Qwayde and Kailah won first place for the heaviest tuna. It was 5kgs and 86.5cm long. Everyone was presented with their certificates in the school assembly over at the hall.

After that we all sat with our whanau and friends and ate our hangi.

Tuna and takakau week was so much fun. We are proud of everyone who put in a big effort to catch tuna and make takakau.