Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Explain everything...

Today we learnt how to make a project in Explain Everything.

Explain everything is an application on the iPads.

We took two pictures of a book what we have read for shared reading. One was of the front cover and the second was of a page that we liked in the story.

We learnt to shrink the pictures, how to lasso pictures, crop the background out of the photo and then we learned to quick save them.

Next we learnt to add a voice recording. We recorded the page that we took a picture of.

We all enjoyed the lesson today. Taking pictures and voice recording was fun.


Room 17 Gardening - Living world

When you look at this photo what do you see?

"What a mess!" Was our first thought, then we asked ourselves, what can we do?

"Let's tidy this up, we can rake the leaves, weed and turn over the dirt so we can plant some vegetables". 

So we got stuck in and worked together. It took us two afternoons and one lunch time.

We worked really hard and now it looks like its as good as new. We are ready to plant.

We are going to keep updating our progress and share what we have learnt with you in our blog. Keep an eye out for our Gardening posts and let us know what your tips are and how you think we can improve our Maara.