Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Floating and sinking

We have been learning about floating and sinking. It was exciting predicting and exploring which things would float or sink. We shared our ideas why this happened and came up with some fascinating ideas. We made some boats from tinfoil and had a competition to see which boat could hold the lost marbles. It was a lot of fun. Click onto the floating and sinking link to watch our clip.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Last week we were lucky to have a visit from the "Share the Road" forestry people. We found out that trucks have lots of blind spots and if we don't see the driver in his/her mirror she/he can't see us. It was lots of fun climbing up in the big trucks and looking at what the driver could see. We noticed it was really hard to see in the front because the front of the truck was so big. The men told us about when the trucks turned the corners we needed to be careful because sometimes the truck can use more road than a car when it turns. It was a very exciting day. Thank you to the men and the lady truck driver who came to visit our school. We hope you enjoyed your day too!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Our class has been learning how to write reports. At first it was quite hard but  once we learned what the structure of a report it became easier. We had lots of fun finding information and then screen castifying our reports. We hope you enjoy them. Click onto the report and it will open.

Here we are looking for creatures to write reports about. We found a lady bug, a spider and some other interesting bugs.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

We have been making fans to celebrate Tongan language and pacifica week. We looked at the traditional colours and patterns and designed our fans. Some of us loved the vibrant colours and used these to make our fans look beautiful. We have saying good morning with "Ma lo e le lei" (Hello)

decorated our fans with symbols and pictures of t

hings important to us :